Diagnosis and Management of Hypertension | drbeen
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Diagnosis and Management of Hypertension Duration: 48:55
Cardiovascular System / Cardiology

Learning Objectives

In this video we will learn about:

1. Epidemiology and definition of hypertension.

2. Goals of BP maintenance in different groups.

3. Isolated and essential hypertension.

4. Pathogenesis of hypertension.

5. Screening and diagnosis.

6. Complications of hypertension.

7. Pharmacological and non pharmacological treatment.

Presented by Dr. Ahmed Zaafran


Ahmed Zaafran, MD

Ahmed Zaafran, MD

I’m currently the CEO and President of Lucid Lane Providers, and the Chief Medical Officer of Lucid Lane, Inc, a digital health company I co-founded in 2018. I am a digital health entrepreneur and clinical anesthesiologist. I trained at the world-renowned Texas Medical Center in Houston, Texas, and joined the faculty at Stanford University School of Medicine in the department of Anesthesiology from 2012-2021. My TEDx talk in 2023 focused on our data-driven solution, via therapy, to prevent and reduce opioid dependence around surgery, while leveraging technology to improve pain and patient outcomes. The intent is to provide value foremost to the patient to live a better life, while also creating an ecosystem of benefit to providers, payors, and employers.

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