Diagnosing and Classifying Substance Use Disorder (DSM-5 TR) - (Pain Part 11) | drbeen
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Diagnosing and Classifying Substance Use Disorder (DSM-5 TR) - (Pain Part 11) Duration: 32:13 0.5 CME
Neurology / Pain Management

Learning Objectives

* Gain an introduction to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Version 5 Text Revision (DSM-5 TR).

* Understand the concept of substances in the context of diagnosing and classifying Substance Use Disorder (SUD).

* Familiarize with the diagnostic criteria points, including impaired control criteria (DSM-5 criteria 1-4), social impairment (DSM-5 criteria 5-7), risky use (DSM-5 criteria 8 and 9), and pharmacological criteria (DSM-5 criteria 10 and 11).

* Learn how to classify substance use disorders into mild, moderate, and severe classes.


Dr. Mobeen Syed

Dr. Mobeen Syed

Mobeen Syed M.D, MS Graduated from King Edward Medical University. Entrepreneur, Medical Educator, CEO and founder of Drbeen corp.