An Introduction to Integrative Medicine | drbeen

About This Video


Dr. Merry Ceppie provides an introduction to integrative medicine.

Defining principles of integrative medicine:

  • The patient and practitioner are partners in the healing process. 
  • All factors that influence health, wellness, and disease are taken into consideration, including mind, spirit, and community, as well as the body. 
  • Appropriate use of both conventional and alternative method facilitates the body's innate healing response.
  • Effective interventions that are natural and less invasive should be used whenever possible.
  • Integrative medicine neither rejects conventional medicine, nor accepts alternative therapies uncritically.
  • Good medicine is based in good science. It is inquiry-driven and open to new paradigms. 
  • Alongside the concept of treatment, the broader concepts of health promotion and the prevention of illness are paramount. 
  • Practitioners of integrative medicine should exemplify its principles and commit themselves to self-exploration and self-development


Dr. C. Merry

Dr. C. Merry

Dr Ceppie FRCPI MSc PhD is an Irish physician who holds a Masters degree form University College London and a PhD from Trinity College Dublin. She lived and worked in East Africa for ten years where she supervised PhD students to support capacity development in clinical pharmacology. She completed a fellowship in Infectious Diseases at Northwestern Memorial Hospital, Chicago and a fellowship in Integrative Medicine at the University of Arizona.