Anaphylaxis with Dr. Faraaz Bhatti | drbeen
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Anaphylaxis with Dr. Faraaz Bhatti Duration: 34:37 0.75 CME
Emergency Medicine / Medicine


Dr. Faraaz Bhatti

Dr. Faraaz Bhatti

Faraaz Bhatti M.D. is a doctor in Emergency Medicine from the United Kingdom. He graduated from medical school over a decade ago, following which he completed an Emergency Medicine residency and gained his Fellowship from the Royal College of Emergency Medicine. Early on in his career he became involved in medical education, including bedside teaching, examining for a medical school and completing a qualification in education. He has a varied career which notably includes working in forensic medicine alongside four police services. In 2020, as a medical director of an Emergency Department, EMS and Air Ambulance service he played a key role in the COVID-19 major incident response for the hospital in which he worked. In addition as a member of faculty he continued to teach as a senior lecturer for what is one of London’s leading medical schools. Given his colourful CV, with wide-ranging interests from entrepreneurship, to teaching - he continues to enjoy learning and imparting his knowledge as he has transitioned from working in England to the United States.