Mood Disorders | drbeen
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Mood Disorders Duration: 07:11
Psychiatry / Psychiatry

Learning Objectives

In this lecture Dr. Adam Jones will discuss:

1. Depression and major depressive episode. (00:30)

2. Bipolar disorder and types. (3:24)

3. Risk factor of bipolar disorder and treatment. (5:35)

Presented by Dr. Adam Jones


 Adam Jones MD

Adam Jones MD

Dr. Adam Lee Jones M.D., MSc, BSc (Hons), PgCert, FHEA is a doctor from the United Kingdom. In addition to his clinical practice, he is a medical lecturer at Cardiff University and an anatomy demonstrator at Birmingham University. Dr. Jones is an aspiring otolaryngologist with a strong interest in anatomy, medical sciences, and public health. He enjoys teaching and utilizing animated medical illustrations to teach.