Psoriasis | drbeen

About This Video

Eligible for 0.75 CME

Psoriasis is a common condition, with worldwide prevalence of about 2%. It predominantly occurs in two peaks. One at 20-30 years of age and the second peak at 50-60 years of age. Let's review the following topics with Dr. King.




Differential diagnosis

Approach to management plans

Assessment of comorbidities


Dr. Thomas King

Dr. Thomas King

Dr King is a consultant dermatologist at Sheffield Teaching Hospitals, UK. He has an 80% clinical and 20% medical education job plan and teaches medical students from the University of Sheffield. Dr King does mix of clinics seeing inflammatory skin conditions and skin cancer work. Dr King has one surgical list per week, one pediatric dermatology clinic per week at Sheffield Children’s hospital and is part of the acute dermatology on call team in Sheffield.