Embryology of the Heart Tubes - Review | drbeen

About This Video

Eligible for 0.5 CME

Review Difference between intra-embryonic mesoderm and coelom Vasculogenesis angiogenesis Heart forming regions and the development of the heart tube Heart tube dilatations and their derivatives Septum transversum mesocordial septum transverse sinus Retinoic acid Levo Dyenin VE GF Kartagener's syndrome/primary cilliary disease Situs inversus


Dr. Mobeen Syed

Dr. Mobeen Syed

Mobeen Syed is the CEO of DrBeen Corp, a modern online medical education marketplace. Mobeen is a medical doctor and a software engineer. He graduated from the prestigious King Edward Medical University Lahore. He has been teaching medicine since 1994. Mobeen is also a software engineer and engineering leader. In this role, Mobeen has run teams consisting of hundreds of engineers and millions of dollars of budgets. Mobeen loves music, teaching, and doing business. He lives in Cupertino CA.