List of anti-hypertensive drugs. Principles of therapy JNC-8 lifestyle guidelines JNC-8 high-level summary JNC-8 algorithm Important notes about various anti-hypertensive drugs Traditional therapeutic approaches. Disclaimer: these are generalized and high-level points to inform the healthcare professionals. These messages do not consist of a prescription for an individual patient. Each patient needs to have a complete assessment with physical examination, labs, other tests, etc. before a therapeutic approach.
In this lecture, we are going to discuss the following topics:
- Principles of therapy for the management of hypertension
- Dietary approach to managing hypertension.
- Role of lifestyle modifications in the management of hypertension.
- Discuss the JNC-8 algorithm.
- Preferences of drugs choices in the hypertensive patients who have kidney disease and in those who don't.
- The traditional approach to stop hypertension.
Presented by Dr. Mobeen Syed
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Feb 05 2020, 7:25 pm
Thanks a lot, Dr. Been for your videos.
I am not sure how I can print slides.
Jul 02 2019, 10:15 am
Hello Doc,
can venodilators cause Varcose Veins or Telangiectasia in the lower extremity? Because they are reducing the amount of blood going to heart and more blood in Viens.