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The Lower Respiratory Tract Part 2

Duration: 13:07

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Dec 27 2020, 9:17 pm

This was a nice review of anatomy. TY. 

In this anatomy lecture, Drbeen faculty, Dr. Adam Jones discusses the structure of the lower respiratory tract. This is the second of two lectures on the lower respiratory tract. Dr. Jones explains the following:
1. Sternum
2. Manubrium
3. Jugular notch
4. Sternal angle
5. Angle of Louis
6. Manobriosternal joint 
7. Xiphoid process 
8. Intercostal nerve
9. Intercostal artery
10. Intercostal vein
11. Pneumothorax
12. Tension pneumothorax
13. Chest Drain
14. Needle decompression
15. Trachea
16. Apices of lungs
17. Base of lungs
18. Diaphragm
19. Aspiration 
20. Middle Lobe
21. Superior lobe
22. Inferior lobe
23. Bronchi

In this video we will learn about :

1. Parts of sternum.

2. Inter costal spaces and neuro vascular bundles.

3. Sites of needle decompression and chest tube insertion.

4. Lobes of lung.

5. Foreign bodies localization. 

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 Adam Jones MD

Adam Jones MD

M.D., MSc, BSc (Hons), PgCert, FHEA

Dr. Adam Lee Jones is a doctor from Wales, United Kingdom. He graduated from Cardiff University School of Medicine with degrees in Medical Genetics (BSc), Medicine (MBBCh), Public Health (MSc), and Medical Education (PgCert). Dr. Jones relocated to Melbourne, Australia, where he is currently pursuing psychiatry training with a focus on becoming a child psychiatrist. His professional interests lie in neurodiversity, developmental psychiatry, and medical education. Dr. Jones has a rich background in academia, having served as a lecturer at both Cardiff University and Birmingham University. He is passionate about teaching and frequently incorporates animated medical illustrations into his educational practice


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