Testis 3D

  • Description
    • * The testes are paired male reproductive organs located within the scrotum.
    • * They are responsible for producing sperm and testosterone.
    • * Each testis is covered by a tough, fibrous tissue called the tunica albuginea.
    • * Inside the testes, seminiferous tubules house the cells responsible for sperm production.
    • * Blood vessels and the vas deferens enter and exit the testis through the hilum.

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  • Description
    • * The testes are paired male reproductive organs located within the scrotum.
    • * They are responsible for producing sperm and testosterone.
    • * Each testis is covered by a tough, fibrous tissue called the tunica albuginea.
    • * Inside the testes, seminiferous tubules house the cells responsible for sperm production.
    • * Blood vessels and the vas deferens enter and exit the testis through the hilum.

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