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Epstein Barr Virus (EBV) Serology

Duration: 34:00

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Jan 30 2024, 2:04 am

I suggest everyone who has EBV reactivated by the mRNA vaccine file a report on the federal government’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System. We have been shafted, some of us our lives ruined, because we did the right thing. If all of us file a report, I can hope we will get their attention. And the “” address makes me think it might not go to CDC or NIH, both of which have powerful incentives to squash them.

Epstein Barr Virus (EBV) Serology

Let’s review the serology of the Epstein Barr Virus (EBV). EBV causes Infectious Mononucleosis. This disease is usually benign and self limiting. However, in some cases it can become chronic, or reactivating. EBV can also cause cancers and other serious complications. Let’s review the serology of the EBV.

About infectious Mononucleosis

CDC on EBV Serology

Serological diagnosis of Epstein-Barr virus infection: Problems and solutions

The Relationship Between Environmental Factors and the Profile of Epstein-Barr Virus Antibodies in the Lytic and Latent Infection Periods in Healthy Populations from Endemic and Non-Endemic Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma Areas in China

Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), Infectious Mononucleosis

High level overview of the serology
States of a person:
Susceptible to EBV (never had it before.)
No antibodies

Acute infection

Acute infection late acute
VCA-IgM and increasing VCA-IgG

Past infection
VCA-IgG and EBNA-1 IgG

Reactivation of the EBV
High EA (D) IgG
Increasing VCA-IgG
Decreasing EBNA-1 IgG
Even VCA-IgM may reappear during the reactivation

Immunosuppressed may have
Only EBVCA IgG without EBVCA IgM or EBNA-1

In 1.7% of the infected patients may only show EBNA-1 without EBVCA-IgG (this pattern is usually thought to be implausible.)

Antibody patterns and causes from LabPedia

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Dr. Mobeen Syed

Dr. Mobeen Syed

MD., MSc., MSc., BSc

Mobeen Syed is the CEO of DrBeen Corp, a modern online medical education marketplace. Mobeen is a medical doctor and a software engineer. He graduated from the prestigious King Edward Medical University Lahore. He has been teaching medicine since 1994. Mobeen is also a software engineer and engineering leader. In this role, Mobeen has run teams consisting of hundreds of engineers and millions of dollars of budgets. Mobeen loves music, teaching, and doing business. He lives in Cupertino CA.


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