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Alzheimer's Disease Review

Duration: 12:41

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Nov 25 2019, 1:05 am

What is the role of Astrocyte in AD?



Feb 10 2022, 8:31 pm

Actually astrocyte involve in clearing of A-beta amyloid too & Tye inflammation which cause by the plaques as sir mentioned in the spread of that inflammation is restricted by astrocytes.. Correct me if im wrong Thank you

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[Errata: In the early part of the video, I wrote recurrent function instead of recurrent infections. Please keep this in mind while studying.]

*It is an insidious, progressive, degenerative disease of the neurons.
*Alzheimer's incidence is increasing in the developed nations.
*Alzheimer's disease is one of the most costly disease to manage. Continuous care is needed, recurrent infections, and dehydration are common.

Dr. Mobeen presents the pathophysiology of Alzheimer's disease. Following topics are discussed:
Anterolateral amnesia. (Loss of forming new memories.)
Speech disorders.
Mood imbalance.
Disruption of the executive functions of the brain. (Difficulty with decision making.)
Initiates at the Hippocampus.

Genes involved:
1-14 - Senilin
11 - SDLR1
21 - APP
19 - ApoE4

Alzheimer's can be early onset or late onset. Genes 19 and 21 are involved in the early onset Alzheimer's.

*Tau protein's role.
*Beta amyloid's pathologies. (A-Beta lipoprotein.)
*Role of alpha, beta, and gamma secretase.
*Formation of senile plaques due to the beta and gamma secretase action instead of alpha and beta secretase.
*Immune system activation due to the senile plaque formation.
*Destruction of the brain tissue due to the inflammatory reaction due to the senile plaques.
*Clogging of the neural synapses by the senile plaque proteins.
*Loss of cytoskeletal integrity due to the disruption of the Tau proteins.
*Disruption of the nutrients flow from the neuronal cell body to the axonal terminal.
*Formation of the Tau aggregates.
*ApoE-4 gene's role is discussed.
*Widening of the sulci and gyri as a result of the degeneration is presented.
*Role of increased load of the APP protein or the gene up regulation forming APP.

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Dr. Mobeen Syed

Dr. Mobeen Syed

MD., MSc., MSc., BSc

Mobeen Syed is the CEO of DrBeen Corp, a modern online medical education marketplace. Mobeen is a medical doctor and a software engineer. He graduated from the prestigious King Edward Medical University Lahore. He has been teaching medicine since 1994. Mobeen is also a software engineer and engineering leader. In this role, Mobeen has run teams consisting of hundreds of engineers and millions of dollars of budgets. Mobeen loves music, teaching, and doing business. He lives in Cupertino CA.

Nervous System

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