Learn important respiratory infections, including upper and lower respiratory tract infections, types of pneumonia, causative agents of pneumonia and signs and symptoms of typical vs atypical pneumonia.
Listen to amazing pulmonologists discussing lung abscesses, bronchitis and bronchietctasis.
Take a fresh look at the pathogens and the resistance they are developing. Check the most prevelant diseases that healthcare workers have to manage on day to day caused by some of the common pathogens.
Look at the modified duke's criteria for infective endocarditis and the management approach of the infective endocarditis.
Learn the common skin infections and their classifications e.g. carbuncles, fruncles, impetigo, etc., and the management approach.
Learn the etiology, signs, symptoms and the management approach to syphillis.
Learn the vaccination schedule.
Understand the common challenges and solutions to the atypical urinary tract infections (UTIs.)
Learn about diphtheria and its causative agent.
Learn why a cytokine storm is caused by superantigens made by some pathogens.
Learn about primary and secondary tuberculosis and mycobacterium tuberculosis. Although less common in the US, but very important to master nonetheless.
Dr. Mobeen Syed
Dr. Mir M. Alikhan graduated from the University of Texas Medical School. Mir served as chief medical resident at Boston University Medical Center. Mir underwent Pulmonary & Critical Care fellowship training at Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia. He is now board certified in Internal Medicine, Pulmonary Disease, & Critical Care Medicine.
Dr. Ahmed Zaafran is a board certified anesthesiologist at Santa Clara Valley Medical Center and Assistant Professor of Anesthesiology at Stanford University School of Medicine.
Dr. Amr Madkour MD, MPH, FACOG, is board-certified in obstetrics & gynecology and an associate professor at The George Washington University School of Medicine & Health Sciences. Dr. Amr Madkour is the director of the residency program in Obstetrics and Gynecology and enjoys educating the next generation of physicians.
Dr. Luis Verduzco is certified by the American Board of Anesthesiology in anesthesiology and critical care medicine. He completed his undergraduate degree with distinction from Yale University and then went on to medical school at Harvard, having graduated as an Arthur Lehman and LInnane Scholar. Dr. Verduzco received his residency training at Stanford and was elected chief resident during his final year. He stayed at Stanford for critical care fellowship training. He is a former Academy of Achievement Student Delegate and Howard Hughes Medical Institute Research Training Fellow. Dr. Verduzco has authored multiple book chapters and peer-reviewed manuscripts, with primary authorships in prestigious journals such as Stroke and Blood.
Dr Tammy Wang is a Clinical Associate Professor, Anesthesiology, Perioperative and Pain Medicine, and Clinical Associate Professor (By courtesy), Pediatrics at Stanford Medicine.
Staphylococcal Gastroenteritis
06m 42sSyphilis: An introduction to etiology, diagnosis, and clinical management
44m 09sAtypical Urinary Tract Infections: Common Challenges and Solutions
1h 51m 37sStreptococcus Pyogenes - Diseases and The Management Approach
20m 12sPenicillin: Mechanism of Action
12m 15sStreptococcus Pyogenes - Clinical Foundations
13m 42sStaphylococcus Skin Infections Impetigo Folliculitis Furuncles or Boils Carbuncles Cellulitis Surgical Wound
16m 55sCurrent Approaches to Acute Infective Endocarditis (Staphylococcus Series)
07m 23sStaphylococcus - Diagnosing Acute Infective Endocarditis (Modified Duke's Criteria)
11m 26sStaphylococcal Infective Endocarditis - (Staphylococcus)
11m 49sStaphylococcal Gastroenteritis
06m 42sStaphylococcal Scalded Skin Syndrome
13m 00sStaphylococcus - Toxic Shock Syndrome and Its Management
15m 37sStaphylococcus - Superantigens
13m 50sWhy do superantigens cause cytokine storm?
09m 08sStaphylococci Properties, Diseases, Diagnosis, and Management Approach
24m 45sStreptococcus Pneumoniae (Pneumococcus) - Pathophysiology and Management
21m 53sStreptococcus Viridans
16m 05sAntibiotics Overview
58m 29sPneumococcus (memory aid)
18m 03sAlpha Hemolytic Streptococci
08m 20sCorynebacterium Diptheriae
03m 39sMicrobiology: Bacterial Nomenclature
06m 34sBacterial Structure
23m 09sGram staining
10m 05sManagement and Diagnosis of Sepsis and Septic Shock
1h 41m 46sOverview of the Pediatric Vaccination Schedules
1h 56m 21sClinical Applications of Anti-Histamine Drugs (Part 2)/Common Cold
19m 41sCommunity Acquired Pneumonia
39m 25sPrimary Tuberculosis
37m 59sSecondary Tuberculosis
12m 17sLower Respiratory Tract Complications
45m 21sPneumonia Community Acquired: Atypical Infections (SARS Virus)
20m 33sPneumonia: Nosocomial Pneumonia
12m 24sUpper Respiratory Tract Infections
17m 46sChronic Bronchitis and Bronchiolitis
21m 42sLung Abscesses
15m 43sPneumonia Classifications
15m 34sCommunity Acquired Pneumonia
39m 25sDr. Steven Phillips Discusses Dementia and Chronic Diseases
42m 55sClostridium Perfringens
21m 00sTaenia Solium (Pork Tapeworm)
33m 11sTaenia Saginata (Beef Tapeworm)
23m 52s19 hr 2 min
43 Lectures
Certificate of Completion
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