Dr. Syed discusses high yield neuroanatomy topics from the brain and the spinal cord including ascending and descending tracts.
Webinar - Lower Limb Reflexes and Upper Motor Neuron Lesion (Part 1)
34m 52sWebinar - Lower Limb Reflexes and Upper Motor Neuron Lesion (Part 2)
34m 52sIschemic Stroke
21m 01sIntroduction to Peripheral Nerve Disorders
44m 23sRestless Legs Syndrome
18m 49sDiagnosis and Treatment of Epilepsy
43m 48sComa: Definition, Etiologies, and a Case for Review
36m 41sWebinar - Glasgow Coma Scale - Examination of a Patient in Coma
48m 28sMyasthenia Gravis
22m 06sBell's Palsy
23m 59sStroke vs. Bell's Palsy: Key Distinguishing Factors
13m 15sAmyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
33m 38sTrigeminal Neuralgia
13m 13sSensory Receptors in Skin (Webinar Recording)
1h 17m 22sDefeat Brain Fog With New Neurons - A Review of Neurogenesis
36m 26s12 Warning Signs of Dementia
08m 14sCaffeine and Autophagy To Reduce Fats in Liver
30m 28sFlavonols Reduce Cognitive Decline (An Interview With Dr. Holland)
14m 12sReduce The Rate of Cognitive Decline with Flavonols (New Study)
18m 02sAn Overview of Neuroprotective Mechanism of Methylene Blue
28m 25sPsychedelics Slip in The Neurons for Neuroplasticity
24m 21sOpioid Receptor Activation and Tolerance (Pain Part 5)
53m 40sHemisection of the Spinal Cord
39m 44sHuntington's Chorea
33m 34sAlzheimer's Disease
47m 02sAlzheimer's Disease Review
12m 41sHydrocephalus
46m 48sCerebrospinal Fluid
38m 57sCerebrospinal Fluid Review
16m 43sWebinar - Lower Limb Reflexes and Upper Motor Neuron Lesion (Part 1)
34m 52sWebinar - Lower Limb Reflexes and Upper Motor Neuron Lesion (Part 2)
34m 52sGeneral Histology
15m 01sBlood Supply of the Brain
25m 57sVasculature and Perfusion of the Brain
38m 55sNerve Fiber Types
24m 54sHomunculi
17m 19sSpinal Cord Anatomy
18m 46sSpinal Cord Arrangement
33m 38sCorticotectal Tract Introduction
30m 23sCorticotectal Tracts
13m 05sCorticospinal or Motor Tract
54m 48sDorsal Column Tracts
36m 19sSpinothalamic Tracts
52m 14sThe Descending Tracts (Pyramidal and the Extra Pyramidal)
19m 33sLesions of the Spinal Cord
46m 48sVentricles of the Brain
1h 02m 14sCerebellum
1h 08m 05sCerebellum Review
13m 15sBasal Ganglia
1h 22m 17sVentricles CSF and Meninges
10m 29sThe Brachial Plexus and Nerve Lesions
13m 53sBasic Structure of the Skull
19m 27sSpine, Vertebrae and Ligaments
22m 40sThe Arterial Supply of the Brain
15m 35sAutonomic Nervous System (Lecture 1)
41m 52sFunctions of Autonomic Nervous System (ANS) (Lecture 2)
36m 41sVagus Nerve (Cranial Nerve X)
52m 06s35 hr 39 min
62 Lectures
Certificate of Completion
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