Hello friends,
As a Primary Care Provider (PCP) and the Chief Medical Officer( CMO) for a Federal Qualified Health Center (FQHC) in rural Oregon, I know the level of difficulty to navigate through daily practice as well as orient new providers in preparing them for complex patient populations. I am also a firm believer in when we are optimally prepared, the best patient outcome will follow. In addition, the higher the competency level we achieve as a provider, the higher job satisfaction will be, and therefore, the lower the chance of being burned out will be.
One of the most challenging tasks as the CMO is to provide a standardized on-boarding process for new providers, regardless their training background and experiences. During the 3 to 6 months of the on boarding period, I have found it impossible to show new providers everything “need to know” in a systematic method since daily practice is unpredictable. Subsequently, when they are out of orientation, most of them feel unprepared when facing complicated cases. Therefore, after being a loyal subscriber of dr.been since 2015, I volunteered to curate a PCP package as a solution for this challenge. Whether you are a MD/DO, NP, or PA, completion of this package will armor you up for daily practice as a PCP, even in a chaotic and stressful practice setting, such as a FQHC. Of course, it can be a fun fresh-up package for the experienced providers as well.
I hope you find this package as beneficial as I do. Enjoy learning!
Dr. Pei Purdom, DNP, FNP-C
A Differential Diagnosis of Acute Chest Pain
20m 19sIschemic Heart Disease: Clinical Presentation
23m 26sIschemic Heart Disease (STEMI)
26m 35sIntroduction to Heart Failure
07m 17sOverview and Management of Congestive Heart Failure
45m 12sDiagnosis and Management of Hypertension
48m 55s(Webinar) Hypertension Management (Part 1)
23m 12s(Webinar) Hypertension Management (Part 2)
32m 54s(Webinar) Hypertension Management (Part 3)
27m 29s(Webinar) Hypertension Management (part 4)
42m 34sOverview and Management of Vasculitis
37m 53sVariability in Electrolytes: Managing Clinical Conditions
1h 13m 02sClinical Application of Cardiac Drugs/Cardiac Pharmacology
27m 29sShock: Pharmacological and Hemodynamic Implications
42m 53sClinical Applications of Anti-Dysrhythmia Drugs
20m 05sClinical Applications of Anti-Inflammatory/Anti-Histamine Drugs
36m 23sClinical Applications of Antihypertensive Drugs (Part 1)
19m 02sEKG Fundamentals: Measurement (Part 1)
29m 56sEKG Fundamentals: Measurement (Part 2)
27m 43sEKG Leads
26m 12sUnderstanding an EKG Wave
10m 29sUtilizing EKG Leads to Represent Cardiac Surfaces
10m 16sCardiac Axis Using Isoelectric Lead Method
12m 34sCardiac Axis Using Quadrant Method
12m 21s(Webinar) EKG Leads and Normal Waveform
1h 21m 58s(Webinar) EKG Fundamentals
1h 16m 31s(Webinar) Cardiac Axis Determination and Its Clinical Significance
1h 29m 48sHypertrophy and Enlargement of the Heart
34m 59sSA Nodal Arrhythmias
33m 17sEctopic Rhythms
22m 28sAtrial and Junctional Premature Beats
13m 52sAtrial Flutter
32m 28sPremature Ventricular Contractions (EKG Interpretation)
19m 17sVentricular Tachycardia
04m 58sAtherosclerosis - Clinical Importance
18m 20sAtherosclerosis - Pathogenesis
25m 17sAtherosclerosis Progression - Clinical Horizon
09m 09sRight Sided Heart Failure
28m 53sLeft Sided Heart Failure
52m 18sAbnormal Sinus Rhythm
29m 58sFirst and Second Degree Heart Blocks
11m 44sThird Degree Heart Blocks
06m 53sFibrillation and Flutter
14m 22sPremature Atrial Beats
11m 10sPremature AV Nodal Junction Beats
04m 55sPremature Ventricular Beats Torsades De Pointes
06m 15sCardiomyopathies
28m 53sAngina Pectoris (Chest Pain)
25m 16sMyocardial Infarction (MI) - Pathophysiology
35m 29sMyocardial Infarction (MI) - Cellular Events and Complications
25m 33sCardiac Cycle
47m 30sMeasuring Cardiac Output
20m 47sHeart Sounds
31m 50sIntroduction to Murmurs
18m 05sCardiac Murmurs
40m 49sParoxysmal Supraventricular Tachycardia (PSVT)
05m 19sWhat is Multiple Myeloma?
24m 16sDiabetes Mellitus and Its Classifications
50m 25sPathogenesis of Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus
54m 04sClinical Features of Early Onset Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus
1h 24m 17sDiabetic Ketoacidosis, Pathogenesis and Clinical Presentation (Part 1)
1h 25m 38sDiabetic Ketoacidosis, Pathogenesis and Clinical Presentation (Part 2)
1h 26m 48sManagement of a Patient Presenting with Diabetic Ketoacidosis
1h 07m 30sWhen do you start a patient on insulin?
03m 10sMaster Insulin Therapy (full video)
1h 22m 37sDiet and Type II Diabetes Mellitus - (Managing Type II Diabetes Mellitus Series -Part 1. Webinar)
30m 27sPathogenesis of Peripheral Insulin Resistance (Managing Type II Diabetes Mellitus - Part 2. Webinar)
29m 27sPathogenesis of Type II Diabetes Mellitus (Managing Type II Diabetes Mellitus - Part 3. Webinar)
39m 47sDiabetic Tissue Damage (Managing Type II Diabetes Mellitus - Part 4. Webinar)
42m 34sClinical Presentation of Type II Diabetes Mellitus (Managing Type II Diabetes Mellitus - Part 5. Webinar)
44m 09sDiagnosis of Type II Diabetes Mellitus (Managing Type II Diabetes Mellitus - Part 6. Webinar)
44m 12sDrug Classes to Manage Type II Diabetes Mellitus (Managing Type II Diabetes Mellitus - Part 7. Webinar)
40m 48sMetformin and General Considerations to Mange Type II Diabetes Mellitus (Managing Type II Diabetes Mellitus - Part 8. Webinar)
47m 37s(Webinar) Managing Type II Diabetes Mellitus (Part 9)
27m 26s(Webinar) Managing Type II Diabetes Mellitus (Part 10)
29m 05sOropharyngeal Dysphagia
07m 30sGastrointestinal Bleeding
28m 59sGastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD)
25m 18sGastritis
12m 26sPeptic Ulcer Disease
37m 35s(Webinar) Peptic Ulcer Disease and the Role of PPIs
1h 13m 38sCholecystitis and Cholelithiasis - Pathophysiology and Clinical Features
11m 42sCholecystitis and Cholelithiasis Risk Factors and Management
16m 09sLiver Function Tests
1h 20m 43sClinical Hepatic Diseases: Utilization of Liver Function Tests (LFT)
53m 42sHepatitis B Labs (LFTs, Liver Function Tests)
26m 04sIrritable Bowel Disease
37m 18sScreening, Diagnosis, and Treatment of Colon Cancer
25m 04sUpdates in Portal Hypertensive Bleeding
42m 03sObesity: An Introduction and Overview
08m 59sFundamentals of Chest X-Ray Interpretation
1h 53m 47sA Clinical Approach to Hypoxemia/Blood Gases
17m 54sA Clinical Approach to Asthma
38m 26sUpper Respiratory Tract Infections
17m 46sLower Respiratory Tract Complications
45m 21sInterpretation of Pulmonary Function Tests
23m 28sPulmonary Vascular Disease
57m 06sClinical Application of Cholinergic Drugs/Cholinergic System
51m 32sClinical Applications of Respiratory Drugs (Part 1)/ Asthma
26m 05sClinical Application of Respiratory Drugs (Part2) / Asthma
22m 41sAsthma Types and Clinical Pathophysiology
52m 09sAcid Base Disorders
32m 02sCommon Clinical Cases, Acid-Base Disorders
21m 11sAsthma Classification
29m 58sAsthma Management
33m 30sManagement Of Asthma Part 1
44m 08sManagement of Asthma Part 3
18m 00sARDS - Pathophysiology and Clinical Presentation
17m 52sARDS - Management of Patients
38m 03sPulmonary Embolism - Case Discussion and Treatment Approach
40m 38sClinical Applications of Anti-Histamine Medications (Part 1)/Common Cold
19m 06sClinical Applications of Anti-Histamine Drugs (Part 2)/Common Cold
19m 41sPulmonary Atelectasis
27m 09sAsthma
32m 42sDeep Vein Thrombosis
28m 19sDeep Venous Thromboembolism (DVT)
33m 27sEmphysema
35m 02sChronic Bronchitis and Bronchiolitis
21m 42sPrimary Tuberculosis
37m 59sSecondary Tuberculosis
12m 17sLung Abscesses
15m 43sPneumonia Classifications
15m 34sPneumonia Community Acquired: Atypical Infections (SARS Virus)
20m 33sCommunity Acquired Pneumonia
39m 25sPneumonia: Nosocomial Pneumonia
12m 24sSarcoidosis
20m 41sPneumoconioses
25m 24sHypersensitivity Pneumonitis
16m 35sRestrictive Lung Diseases (Interstitial Pulmonary Fibrosis)
24m 25sCystic Fibrosis
16m 08sBronchiectasis
20m 20sObstructive Pulmonary Diseases - COPD and Chronic Bronchitis
57m 27sTumors of the Lungs
25m 53sDead Spaces and Ventilation Rates
40m 43sLung Capacities and Volumes
21m 57sAbnormal Breathing Patterns
07m 13sQuiet Breathing Cycle
13m 04sMuscles of Breathing
33m 43sForces on the Lung System
39m 57sForces on the Lung System Review
16m 28sPneumothorax
12m 51sPositive Pressure Ventilation
16m 45sLung Compliance
32m 47sPulmonary Pressure and Flow Resistance
26m 32sIntroduction to Gas Exchange
44m 17sFick's Principle
20m 49sTransport of Gases
25m 05sOxygen Dissociation Curve
41m 23sCO2 Transport
15m 05sBohr Effect
08m 25sHaldane Effect
07m 58sVentilation Perfusion Ratio (V/Q)
29m 43sPulmonary Function Tests (PFTs)
29m 55sProtective Mechanisms against Pneumonia
19m 44sSyphilis: An introduction to etiology, diagnosis, and clinical management
44m 09sStaphylococci Properties, Diseases, Diagnosis, and Management Approach
24m 45sStaphylococcus - Superantigens
13m 50sWhy do superantigens cause cytokine storm?
09m 08sStaphylococcus - Toxic Shock Syndrome and Its Management
15m 37sStaphylococcus - Diagnosing Acute Infective Endocarditis (Modified Duke's Criteria)
11m 26sStaphylococcal Infective Endocarditis - (Staphylococcus)
11m 49sStaphylococcal Scalded Skin Syndrome
13m 00sStaphylococcal Gastroenteritis
06m 42sStreptococcus Pyogenes - Clinical Foundations
13m 42sStreptococcus Pyogenes - Diseases and The Management Approach
20m 12sAntibiotics Overview
58m 29sStreptococcus Pneumoniae (Pneumococcus) - Pathophysiology and Management
21m 53sPneumococcus (memory aid)
18m 03sStreptococcus Viridans
16m 05sSpinal Cord Anatomy
18m 46sHemisection of the Spinal Cord
39m 44sClinical Overview of Cervical and Lumbar Pathologies (Part 1)
58m 59sClinical Overview of Cervical and Lumbar Pathologies (Part 2)
31m 38sClinical Approach to the Diseases of the Spinal Column (Lecture 3)
22m 20sDistal Radial Fracture
1h 00m 04sGeriatric Hip Fractures: A Clinical Overview and Management Discussion
46m 21sDiagnosis and Treatment of Osteoarthritis
49m 28sWebinar - Lower Limb Reflexes and Upper Motor Neuron Lesion (Part 2)
34m 52sWebinar - Lower Limb Reflexes and Upper Motor Neuron Lesion (Part 1)
34m 52sCranial Nerves (Clinical Cases)
53m 35sTrigeminal Neuralgia
13m 13sRestless Legs Syndrome
18m 49sAmyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
33m 38sMyasthenia Gravis
22m 06sBell's Palsy
23m 59sStroke vs. Bell's Palsy: Key Distinguishing Factors
13m 15sIntroduction to Peripheral Nerve Disorders
44m 23sDiagnosis and Treatment of Epilepsy
43m 48sIschemic Stroke
21m 01sComa: Definition, Etiologies, and a Case for Review
36m 41sCerebrospinal Fluid
38m 57sCerebrospinal Fluid Review
16m 43sGeneral Histology
15m 01sBrain Developmental Abnormalities
22m 48sSpinal Cord Development
21m 52sVasculature and Perfusion of the Brain
38m 55sBlood Supply of the Brain
25m 57sNerve Fiber Types
24m 54sDorsal Column Tracts
36m 19sCorticotectal Tracts
13m 05sCorticotectal Tract Introduction
30m 23sCorticospinal or Motor Tract
54m 48sSpinothalamic Tracts
52m 14sLesions of the Spinal Cord
46m 48sVentricles of the Brain
1h 02m 14sCerebellum
1h 08m 05sCerebellum Review
13m 15sBasal Ganglia
1h 22m 17sCranial Nerve Discussion
1h 19m 54s145 hr 3 min
239 Lectures
Certificate of Completion
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