DrBeen offers an outstanding video lecture series on the cardiovascular system, providing healthcare professionals with a comprehensive understanding of cardiology, electrocardiogram, cardiovascular system pathology, physiology, and even embryology. With 117 lectures and a total of 52 hours of teaching, this program is one of the most comprehensive and informative in its class.
Expert presenters, teachers, and physicians deliver these lectures, providing healthcare professionals with the latest insights and practical applications related to the cardiovascular system. The lectures are designed to be accessible to a wide range of healthcare professionals, from primary care physicians to cardiologists, nurses, and other medical specialists.
The lectures cover a broad range of topics related to the cardiovascular system, including the embryology and physiology of the heart, the pathophysiology of cardiovascular disease, diagnostic tools such as electrocardiography, and the latest treatment options for cardiovascular conditions.
Whether you are a seasoned healthcare professional or a student looking to deepen your knowledge of the cardiovascular system, this video lecture series offers valuable insights and practical applications that you can apply to your practice immediately. By completing this course, you can earn CME credits while expanding your understanding of this critical medical system.
We at DrBeen are confident that this comprehensive video lecture series on the cardiovascular system is an excellent choice for healthcare professionals like yourself who are looking to stay up-to-date with the latest advances in cardiology, physiology, and pathology, while also deepening their understanding of the cardiovascular system as a whole.
Cardiac Drugs: Inotropes, Vasopressors, and Vasodilators Part 1
33m 33sCardiac Drugs: Inotropes, Vasopressors, and Vasodilators Part 2
48m 59sVariability in Electrolytes: Managing Clinical Conditions
1h 13m 02sPerioperative Cardiac Complications
1h 07m 43sOverview and Management of Vasculitis
37m 53sTakotsubo: A Case of Heart Failure
28m 25sClinical Applications of Anti-Inflammatory/Anti-Histamine Drugs
36m 23sClinical Application of Cardiac Drugs/Cardiac Pharmacology
27m 29sClinical Applications of Anti-Dysrhythmia Drugs
20m 05sShock: Pharmacological and Hemodynamic Implications
42m 53sOverview and Management of Congestive Heart Failure
45m 12sAcute ST Elevation MI during Non-Cardiac Surgery
34m 38sVascular Diseases (Part 1)
19m 58sIschemic Heart Disease (STEMI)
26m 35sIschemic Heart Disease: Clinical Presentation
23m 26sA Differential Diagnosis of Acute Chest Pain
20m 19sHypertension Epidemiology
1h 11m 25sDiagnosis and Management of Hypertension
48m 55sIntroduction to Heart Failure
07m 17sClinical Applications of Antihypertensive Drugs (Part 1)
19m 02sManagement of Hypertension by Dr. Anam Tariq
1h 10m 21sAtherosclerosis - Clinical Importance
18m 20sAtherosclerosis Progression - Clinical Horizon
09m 09sAtherosclerosis - Pathogenesis
25m 17sHigh Output Cardiac Failure: Diagnosis and Discussion
09m 40sRight Sided Heart Failure
28m 53sLeft Sided Heart Failure
52m 18sCardiac Murmurs
40m 49sAbnormal Sinus Rhythm
29m 58sSinoatrial Nodal Block (SA Nodal Block)
11m 59sFirst and Second Degree Heart Blocks
11m 44sThird Degree Heart Blocks
06m 53sElectrical Alternans Purkinje Blocks
05m 04sFibrillation and Flutter
14m 22sParoxysmal Tachycardia
21m 10sPremature Atrial Beats
11m 10sPremature AV Nodal Junction Beats
04m 55sPremature Ventricular Beats Torsades De Pointes
06m 15sParoxysmal Supraventricular Tachycardia (PSVT)
05m 19sCardiomyopathies
28m 53sHypertension - Pathogenesis
58m 37sHypertension - Complications
16m 37sAngina Pectoris (Chest Pain)
25m 16sMyocardial Infarction (MI) - Pathophysiology
35m 29sMyocardial Infarction (MI) - Cellular Events and Complications
25m 33sHypertensive Emergencies (Dr. Bhatti)
09m 22sMTHFR Enzyme Deficiency and Cardiovascular Health
28m 34sEKG Fundamentals: Measurement (Part 1)
29m 56sEKG Fundamentals: Measurement (Part 2)
27m 43sEKG Leads
26m 12sUnderstanding an EKG Wave
10m 29sUtilizing EKG Leads to Represent Cardiac Surfaces
10m 16sHypertrophy and Enlargement of the Heart
34m 59sCardiac Axis Using Isoelectric Lead Method
12m 34sCardiac Axis Using Quadrant Method
12m 21sSA Nodal Arrhythmias
33m 17sEctopic Rhythms
22m 28sAtrial and Junctional Premature Beats
13m 52sAtrial Flutter
32m 28sAtrial Fibrillation
50m 37sManagement of Atrial Fibrillation
34m 02sMultifocal Atrial Tachycardia (MAT)
52m 32sFocal Atrial Tachycardia (Paroxysmal Atrial Tachycardia)
46m 25sPremature Ventricular Contractions (EKG Interpretation)
19m 17sVentricular Tachycardia
04m 58sVentricular Fibrillation (V-Fib)
03m 13sAccelerated Idioventricular Arrhythmia
07m 15sGeneral Principles of Hemodynamics (Part 1)
22m 42sGeneral Principles of Hemodynamics (Part 2)
12m 42sPulmonary Vascular Circuit Changes Under Varying Conditions
24m 36sBlood Flow Velocity
22m 08sBlood Flow Velocity - Review
07m 54sBlood Flow Hemodynamics
09m 15sPoiseuille's Equation
09m 39sVascular Compliance
08m 34sReynolds Number
08m 46sGeneral Principles of Pressure Dynamics
11m 04sBlood Flow Autoregulation
40m 14sNitric Oxide
07m 12sMuscle Blood Flow Regulation
09m 34sCutaneous Blood Flow Regulation
15m 53sCerebral Blood Flow Regulation
14m 09sCoronary Blood Flow Regulation
15m 27sPulmonary Vessels: Metabolic and Reservoir Function
10m 55sFactors Affecting Passive Pulmonary Circuit
10m 18sBaroreceptors: A Primer on Blood Pressure Regulation
34m 21sAn Overview on Electrophysiology
38m 53sNodal Action Potentials
29m 34sAutonomic Control of the Nodal Action Potentials
14m 52sExcitation Contraction Coupling
33m 09sCardiac Contractility
27m 09sPreload and Afterload
15m 38sCardiac Cycle
47m 30sPressure-Volume Loops
07m 41sClinical Application of Pressure-Volume Loops
29m 46sMeasuring Cardiac Output
20m 47sCardiac and Venous Curves
35m 56sCardiac and Venous Curves - Review
23m 17sHeart Sounds
31m 50sIntroduction to Murmurs
18m 05sEmbryology of the Heart Tubes
52m 58sEmbryology of the Heart Tubes - Review
20m 14sDevelopment of the Conduction System of the Heart
11m 38sAtrial Development
21m 13sAtrial Development and Defects
10m 17sPharyngeal Arch Arteries
18m 12sVentricles and Aorticopulmonary Septum
29m 36sVentricles and Aorticopulmonary Septum - Review
14m 50sDevelopment of the Inferior Vena Cava
11m 06sFetal Circulation
31m 47s52 hr 36 min
118 Lectures
Certificate of Completion
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