3D Body | drbeen

3D Body

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Skeletal System

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Study in detail the human male and femal sekeltal system. Rotate, zoom, and manipulate objects to master the anatomy of the skeletal system.

Head and Neck

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Let's be real, head and neck bothers almost all of us. Not any more. Fire up the H&N 3D atlas. Zoom, rotate, dissect, and identify structures to your heart's content.

Upper Limb

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Master the upper limb by studying its muscles, relations, nerves, and bones. And, we all agree on the importance of understanding the anatomy of the hand.

Lower Limb

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Honestly this used to be my favorite anatomical area. Hey, this was the first region I started with. Let's master the anatomy of the lower limb now.


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Dissect and master heart now. A majority of your patients will have cardiac issues due to the old age, hypertension, diabetes, etc. Understand the matters of the heart now :-)


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Mediastinums, contents of mediastinums, relations of their contents, heart, lungs, esophagus, and chest muscles. Study them here.

Nervous System

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Dissect and explore the anatomy of the brain. Study brain stem. View and remember relations. Master cranial nerves and autonomic outflows. Let's study!

Muscles of the Body

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All muscles of the body in one area. Don't need to dissect away the nerves, arteries, veins, and fasica. We did it all for you. Let's master the muscles now.


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Bones, muscles, nerves, arteries, and relations of the foot are critical to understand and master. We have isloated this region for you. Let's focus!


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Hand ligaments, aponeurosis, lumbricles, deep fascia, nerves, arteries, and their relations. One of the most critical region to master.

3D Tour - Migraine Peripheral Sensitization

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Migraine is a neurological disorder characterized by recurring, episodic headaches. The most common migraine symptom is unilateral, pulsating head pain. Accompanying symptoms can include nausea, vomiting, irritability, attention deficits, and increased sensitivity to light, sound, and other non-painful stimuli. Although migraine is a relatively common disorder, the mechanisms that cause migraines are not well understood.